NSF/ONR Workshop on Nano/Microscale Heat & Mass Transport
3rd ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference, Atlanta, GA, March 2012
The goal of the NSF/ONR workshop is to identify the achievements to date and the challenges and barriers currently faced by the community in the area of nano/microscale transport. Three major themes were selected for the workshop: Phonon Transport Fundamentals, Materials Challenges in Thermal Management, and Heat Transfer in Microchannels.
These areas have been a major focus of the thermal science community in recent years, and have been heavily invested in by the majority of the federal agencies including NSF, ONR, DARPA, AFOSR and the Army. Significant and transformational discoveries in fundamental science and engineering in these areas have been achieved, and efforts continue in translating these advances towards economic development. Major application areas such as electronics, heat exchangers, solar cells, thermoelectric heat recovery, etc. are poised for significant advances based on the developments in the area of nano/microscale transport. The workshop included presentations from key leaders in the field and active discussion from the major researchers and users in these areas. The workshop concluded with a summative assessment of the future directions.
Co-Chairs: Sumanta Acharya (NSF), G.P. Bud Peterson (GA Tech), Mark Spector (ONR), and Zhuomin Zhang (GA Tech)
* The plenary addresses and keynotes from the MNHMT2012 relevant to the workshop are included here for completeness.